Iffley Turn Practice Tel: 01865 251233
Email : angelashanly@oxfordfamilypsychology.co.uk
Clinical Psychology and Family Therapy Services | Children, Adults, Couples and Families

Fees and Contact Details (from April 2022)

60 mins
Individual Sessions (Adult or 1 parent or child, 1 hour) : £90.00 (1.5 hours, £125.00)
Couples’ Sessions (1 hour) : £110.00 (1.5 hours, £150.00)
Parents, Child and Parent or Family Sessions: (1 hour) £110.00 (1.5 hours, £150.00)
Essential Letters: £75 (This will be discussed with you if needed and would usually be where there is a need to communicate with other agencies for reasons of Good professional Practice. )

As explained in the section on working with children, individual sessions with children will usually only be undertaken with additional involvement of parents both separately and together with the child.

Life Transition Consultation (1 hr) £90 (1.5hrs, £125.00)

Please let me know if you are unable to pay the full charge and we can discuss a Concession rate.

Payment: I invoice clients by email at the end of the month, and payment is requested within 7 days.


As much notice as possible is appreciated for cancellations, preferably one week. Obviously, this is not always possible.

Within 24 hours, the full fee of the session will be charged, unless there are special circumstances.

For any enquiries please fill in the form below

Angela Shanly – Clinical Psychologist
& Family Therapist

3 Church Cowley Rd
United Kingdom
01865 715615
Driving Directions