Training and Qualifications
I completed a BA in Psychology at the University of Auckland, New Zealand in 1982. I trained on the Oxford Clinical Psychology Training Course from 1988-1991, and with the Oxford Family Institute and Oxford Brookes University as a Family Therapist from 1996-1998. I trained as a Systemic Supervisor at the Tavistock Clinic from 2007-2009. I have been employed in the NHS for 30 years. I am a Visiting Tutor in Systemic Family Therapy on the Oxford Doctoral Training Course in Clinical Psychology and jointly co-ordinate the Systemic Therapy Module.
Clinical Psychology
Clinical Psychologists have a Degree in Psychology and a three year Clinical Training. Psychologists are trained to combine an understanding of child and adult life-span development with an understanding of cognitive, behavioural and emotional factors in healthy development, and ways in which this can go awry. They are trained in at least two treatment models, and are able to integrate models and therapeutic approaches to suit the client.

Family Therapy
Systemic Family therapists have a core mental health training, and then do a 4 year training culminating in a Masters degree in Family Therapy. They are trained to consider
family structures and history,
generational patterns,
a range of approaches to helping change unhelpful patterns of behaviour and communication
multiple perspectives of family members,
issues of gender, culture, religious beliefs, and many other areas of identify and difference
strength, resources and successes of the family
how to support families to explore the many aspects of their experience, both positive and negative.
family structures and history,
generational patterns,
a range of approaches to helping change unhelpful patterns of behaviour and communication
multiple perspectives of family members,
issues of gender, culture, religious beliefs, and many other areas of identify and difference
strength, resources and successes of the family
how to support families to explore the many aspects of their experience, both positive and negative.